Sunday, January 20, 2008

I am resolute

yes, i made a few new year's resolutions and it is going pretty good so far. i have only verbalized my thoughts so i thought i would make them a little more concrete by posting them on the internet. now you can bug me about keeping up on them throughout the whole year. i am determined to get at least to febuary with most of them:

Number One

memorize a verse of scripture every week. i have passed off two already to kat and i just need to do this weeks today. i do this every sunday- so far there have been three sundays- i should have over 50 by the end of the year.

Number Two

learn new recipes and even invent some of my own. this is where i get totally awesome!! thanks to mom and her gift of the magic bullet i am in press-no stress cooking heaven!! i have learned to make pesto, fetticini alfredo and humus. just the other day i experimented a little and made shrimp chowder. it was good but i thought i could have done better. my roommate liked it. tonight i made ebi mayo o-nigiri. japanese-food enthusiasts would appreciate that one!

and Number Three

eat less chocolate.

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