Saturday, May 2, 2015

One week old

I am just so crazy in love with this little man. It feels like falling in love irresponsibly. I want to spend every minute with him and kiss him all over his delicious little body. He is so beautiful! Perfect skin and sweet smelling head. His cute little frog legs curl up under him when I hold him to my chest. Last night he slept in his crib and only woke up once. I fed him and he went right back to sleep. According to everyone we are breaking every rule of infant care. He slept with 2 blankets and on his belly. Gasp! Terrible! Well, he's had a healthy birthweight and perfect apgar. He hasn't shown any signs of stress and poops and pees plenty. I guess there is a risk for sids with every baby but I guess we are risk takers when it comes to sleep. 

Marcus just adores Nainoa. He loves to hold him and looks at him with so much love. I hope they become great friends. 

Melia on the other hand is somewhat disinterested and throws a fit when she wants to take the attention away from him. Natural. She is quite the character lately. She LOVES to eat! She is such a chubby girl. Her grandmas worry about her but I'm not worried at all. She is so healthy! Eats rice and avocado and fruit most of the time. Her vocabulary is expanding rapidly. When she turned 18 months old she started calling nearly everything that moved 'puppies'. Dogs, lizards, bugs, and they don't move but stuffed animals. I have always been mommy or Maymie. Marcus, Martize. Juan, daddy. Other words she says now are shoes, juice, eyes, agua (ga-ga), and up. She understand commands and when asked/prompted will throw something in the garbage, head for the door, head for the stairs, clean up toys, prepare herself for a nap, and nearly everything. She is just going to take off with words soon. Oh, and since the Pitas got her she has learned how to say pita. At first she said 'Pia' but now she says 'pita, pita, pita!' She loves her abuelita Ana Mirian. The others day when was put down for bed by her she called out her name and stated crying. She was calling for her, begging her to come back and get her. Such a darling girl. I love her so much! She is getting into her terrible twos we go. 

I should have wrote more about Marcus. He is a good little boy. He has his moments but for the most part he helps me with the younger birds, plays very imaginatively, and is nice and careful with babies. He still has an obsession with hot wheels and matchbox cars. He could play cars all day long. He loves to be spoiled by his abuelita, Pita. He is speaking more Spanish with them! It makes me so happy to hear him say, 'pita, yo quiero jugar carritos,' o 'quiero quaker!' o 'vamos a jugar!' He understands what they say to him most of the time. He is a bilingual kid! I want to live in a Spanish speaking country so that he can really learn Spanish and use it with his peers. We might move next March so we will see :)

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