Wednesday, February 3, 2010

a whale of a whale watching time!

we went whale-watching this passed weekend up at kaena point. this is an aerial photo of the point (north-west tip of the island of oahu).

i love this hike...especially on a cloudy day. we encountered a bit of mud but made the most of it. can you see the airborne mud in juano's pic?

brynn and nate- do you remember this hike? i took you guys on it...around sunset...i hope you still don't hate me for that...

(first pic) allow me to introduce you to our good friends, Janelle and Mike. they were married around the same time that juan and i were and live just 4 doors down from us in the temple view apts. we get together often to play settlers of catan and have potlucks.
(next pic) now this is a hard one- guess who's legs belong to who.
(last two) the views were amazing out at the point. we saw a bunch of albatross birds too- you know, like the one from the rescuers- juan thought one was going to take his head off when it flew over us. i was just nervous that he would drop a giant crap on us.
well needless to say- we made it out minorly sunburndt and uncrapped-upon. oh- i am almost forgetting the reason for this post. here it is....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

okay...fixed i can post away!!

Happy New Year!! and boy did january fly by....
coming soon....our hike to kaena point and witnessing whales breech...